
Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Migration to TomTom Maps

TomTom Maps Integration

This tutorial covers some very basic use cases to help you switch from Google's Maps APIs to TomTom's as quickly as possible. It starts with basic environment setup, then dives into the code.
This tutorial covers:
  • Getting a TomTom maps API Key
  • JavaScript to Implement
Download TomTom Maps SDK for Web
  • You can download a SDK from here.Select the Version and click Download
  • To create a new API key you need to first register on the portal. Once you are logged in there are only two steps remaining:
After Successful Registration Click on Dashboard in your Portal,Then Create a new Application in Dashboard(It may be your Site Name Etc)
Chosse all the Api's
All set up. You can now click on your newly created app and copy your API key:
Initializing a map
Below is code to initialize a map using a defined center point and zoom level.
<!DOCTYPE html> 
 <title>My map</title> 
        <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='sdk/map.css'/> 
        <script src='sdk/tomtom.min.js'></script> 
          #map {
              height: 500px;
              width: 500px;
        <div id='map'></div> 
  'map', {key: '<your-api-key>'});
If the Map was Loaded into wedpage then the basic Part was completed successfully.

var map ='map', { 
  key: '<your-api-key>', 
  basePath: 'sdk', 
  center: [37.769167, -122.478468] 
  zoom: 15,  
  traffic: true, 
  trafficFlow: true 
the Above portion of code is to locate you location in map with Flag and Zoom is the Zoom level as you perfered and the present live traffic condition at you location
 var marker = tomtom.L.marker([37.768454, -122.492544]).addTo(map);   
 marker.bindPopup('my marker');
The above two line allow your user to interact with the map by clicking on a marker to summon an information popup.

You can find full HTML file here: on github.
Copy full HTML Code and you need to provide api key and your location then all sets successful

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Uploading of Template to blog

To upload images and videos to your blog webpage the google driver provide you to upload and to access it throught the Url.

After Uploading  the image or video you will get the Url of the image.

Lenovo Vibe K5 (Silver, Snapdragon 616, VoLTE update)